Organic Vegetable Garden: In Pictures

Our first harvest - we could not wait for the purple carrots to be larger
My husband, having just perused the blog, asked me to put up some more pictures of our monkey-proof organic vegetable cage, on which he has lavished so much care and attention, to indicate how much it has grown in the last six months. It now looks like this:
Just harvested chilli bushes 
Only six months after its initial beginnings:
Planting the vegetables at the vegetable garden planting party
Within weeks, it began to look like this (and the initial bed have also been replaced by far more sturdy brick-work):

Red runner beans doing what they must

Pumpkins and corn - even strawberry popcorn, lemon grass, our own compost
Until, of course, the bugs and beetles, worms and such-like moved in, and before our predator population of spiders, shrews, praying mantis, lizards, frogs and even a stunningly iridescent beetle that thrives on the pumpkin beetles which eat your pumpkin leaves, all began muscling in on the act. Thanks to them, we have had some bounty, which we have been able to share with friends in the forms of: 
Fresh salad, comprised of 15 different types of leafy greens
various root vegetables (though I'm afraid the mole rats got the first lot of sweet potato tubers, but we have great hopes of a sonic mole deterrent which is on its way):

Yellow brinjal (aubergine), leeks, tomatoes, bell peppers, Italian parsley
not to mention various Asian greens: 
Pok choi, orange peppers (paprika), various Asian greens
Our all-time most fun harvest, though, just has to be our purple carrots: 

They're more red than purple, really
So there you have it - our very own organic vegetable garden in a monkey-proof cage. Our chillies, in particular, have borne prolifically, and all in all, we are well satisfied with our many harvests:
One proud and happy girl child whose just planted her own bed of turnips
So there you have it! 
